Trifocal Artificial Lens

Trifocal Artificial Lens

New era of Multifocal Lens technology

An amazing trifocal IOLs platform has finally brought the multifocal optic design to a completely new level. The Bifocal IOLs (usually called “Multifocal IOLs”) that have been available over the past decade only provide two distinctive focusing points, which are near vision (about 40 cm) and distance vision.

Trifocal optic is the revolution designed upon the already good Bifocal optic design. By enhancing the intermediate vision (between 50 – 100 cm), your activities such as using computers, putting on makeup, cooking, face-to-face interaction, seeing dashboard while driving, will be a lot easier.

Trifocal IOLs have three distinct focal points – far, intermediate, and near. It means that trifocal IOLs will provide a more complete range of vision and further enhance the patient’s experience without eyeglasses.

At BrightView Center, we provide both Bifocal (Standard Multifocal) and premium Trifocal Artificial Lens. Please discuss you preference for IOLs choice with your surgeon.