Message From Doctor

Understanding Lens Implant Options Post-LASIK: The Realities of Achieving Desired Vision

Dear Valued Patient,

Having undergone LASIK surgery, you’ve already made a considerable investment in your vision. As you contemplate further interventions, like lens implants, it’s essential to have a transparent understanding of what to expect, especially when comparing trifocal and monofocal lens options.

  • Lowered Expectations: Let’s address this head-on: the chance of achieving your desired visual outcome with trifocal implants is significantly lower for post-LASIK patients than for those who haven’t had LASIK. The surgery’s prior alterations to the cornea introduce an element of unpredictability that current technology struggles to address fully.
  • Adaptation Challenges: The brain is used to interpreting visual signals in a specific way. For post-LASIK patients, trifocal lens implants can make this process more complex, possibly leading to suboptimal vision.
  • Potential for Repeat Surgeries: Given the inherent unpredictability with trifocal lenses in post-LASIK eyes, there’s an increased risk of needing more interventions. This might entail a LASIK re-do, if feasible, or even the more complex procedure of lens implant exchange. It’s essential to understand that multiple surgeries increase the risk of permanently damaging the eye organ.
  • Visual Disturbances: Post-LASIK patients with trifocal lenses might experience more pronounced visual disturbances, such as haloes or glare, which can be bothersome and impact daily activities.

Monofocal lens implants, while not entirely exempt from power predictability issues, come with certain advantages for post-LASIK patients:

  • Simpler Brain Adaptation: The brain finds it relatively easier to adapt to monofocal lenses, leading to a clearer and more consistent visual experience.
  • Reduced Chances of Additional Surgeries: The more straightforward nature of monofocal lenses means there’s a reduced likelihood of needing subsequent surgeries.
  • Higher Visual Satisfaction Post-Surgery: Due to their inherent simplicity, post-LASIK patients typically report significantly higher satisfaction levels with monofocal lenses.
  • The Best Implant Option: By far, monofocal lenses are generally considered the best implant option for post-LASIK patients. However, it’s essential to note that they won’t entirely eliminate the need for glasses. They provide clear vision at one specific distance, necessitating glasses for other visual tasks.

It’s not uncommon for individuals to seek surgeries with hopes of reducing or entirely bypassing their reliance on glasses. However, the unique challenges presented by a previous LASIK procedure mean that achieving a perfect, glasses-free vision can be more complicated than anticipated.

In summary, our unwavering commitment is to ensure your vision’s well-being and satisfaction. While we remain at the forefront of the latest advancements in vision care, setting clear and honest expectations remains our priority. We are here to delve deeper into these options, ensuring you’re well-informed at every juncture.

Warm regards,

Captain Wiriyaluppa, MD.

Your eye surgeon.”